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Friday, December 20, 2013


We are led to believe that
energy and protein bars offer
a healthy boost. However,
there are many energy bars
on the market today that
are filled with fructose, corn
syrup, sugar and saturated
fats. Additionally, certain
meal replacement bars are
jam packed with kilojoules,
so be sure to check the label
of any product you buy and
stick to reputable brands.
Suitable alternatives, if you
have the time to prepare
them, include snacking on
a combination of quality
carbohydrates and protein
before an extended workout.
If you’re feeling like your
energy is lagging try eating
a small tub of fat-free plain
yoghurt with fresh berries,
an apple or celery slices with
peanut butter. Low-fat cottage
cheese on brown rice
cakes, hummus on pita or
tuna on a slice of wholegrain
bread are also filling and
healthy snack options when
you need an energy boost
Commonly sold as “health
food” in gyms, retailers and
coffee shops, muffins are
actually deceptively calorific.
“Even if they have bran,
blueberries or other healthy
ingredients, ultimately
muffins are just cake!” asserts
Lila Bruk, dietician at Lila Bruk
& Associates in Johannesburg.
In fact, most muffins today are
huge and packed with too much
sugar and butter. The kilojoules
in additional accompaniments
like butter, jam and cheese also
spell disaster for your waistline.
It is therefore better to avoid
muffins completely, or occasionally
enjoy half a muffin, minus
the trimmings of course

Smoothies can be healthy –depending on the ingredients
– but they can also be very
high in fat and sugar”, says
Lila.“Therefore, it is best to
make your own or avoid them
altogether.” If you do decide
to enjoy a smoothie, ensure
that it does not contain refined
sugar, full-fat milk products and
artificial ingredients.Making
your own blend is perhaps your
best chance of avoiding dubious
ingredients, while still enjoying
a nutritious drink. Blend fresh
fruits and vegetables with fatfree
dairy products and superhealthy
ingredients like whey
powder, spirulina and flaxseeds,
for a delicious and nutritious
alternative to a shop-bought
There are a number of drinks
that many people deem diet
friendly that are less-than-stellar
in the health stakes. For instance,
many flavoured waters are
sweetened with either sugar or
artificial sweeteners, to make
them more palatable for people
who dislike the taste of plain
water. “Many people think that
flavoured waters are healthy
options, but ultimately they have
as much sugar as regular fizzy
drinks”, explains Lila. This poses
a problem because sugar can
wreak havoc with your blood
sugar levels, and cause cravings
and intense hunger. Artificial
sweeteners can also have an
effect on sugar levels when
ingested excessively. In addition,
current research indicates that
there are a number of negative
effects from consuming too
much sweetener; most notably
an increased incidence of
metabolic syndrome, which
can increase a person’s risk
for coronary artery disease,
stroke and type-II diabetes.
“Most artificial sweeteners are
generally safe, but ultimately we
don’t know the long-term health
effects”, adds Lila. “Therefore,
either use them in moderation
or get used to less sweet tastes
and definitely avoid flavoured
waters completely”.
Energy drinks are also
commonly thought of as
healthy and revitalising to the
body. However, unless you
are involved in intense and
prolonged physical activity, your
body will convert the excess
energy in these drinks into fat.
“Energy drinks should be avoided
because they are generally high
in caffeine and sugar. Sports
drinks do have a place if you are
competing in an event or doing a
training session that lasts at least
90 minutes”, says Lila. “If not, then
the extra carbohydrates in these
drinks are unnecessary”.

If you want to keep your health
and waistline in check, be careful
what yoghurt you eat. The truth
is that many yoghurts contain a
lot of sugar and kilojoules. Thus,
it is best to eat plain, fat-free
yoghurt and add some fresh
fruit to sweeten if plain yoghurt
is a little too tart for your taste.
If you choose a sweetened yoghurt,
always check the label to
ascertain how much sugar and
carbohydrates are contained in
each portion

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